Computer and Internet Policies
Guidelines and policies found in the Handbook are still in full force in regard to computerusage, digital communications, social media, etc. The ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵ Department of Information Technology and the Office of Student Life will address any abuse or crime concerning computer networks. Criminal offenses may be referred to the York police department.
General Computer and Internet Policies
- Anti-virus and anti-spyware/adware protection must be installed and up-to-date onboth Windows and OS X based systems. Windows includes this software as part of the operating system.
- All system security updates and patches must be applied regularly
- Viewing pornographic sites is prohibited. Internet browsing is monitored, andinappropriate sites may be blocked. Violation of this policy may result in referral tothe Office of Student Life.
- No computer may be set up as an internet-facing server on the campus network.
- Never reveal your password to anyone else.
- Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters in length. 12 characters or longer isstrongly recommended.
- Protect your computer security by logging off the computer whenever you leave your workstation.
- Software which requires downloading and installing of components onto the localhard drive are prohibited on university-owned computers. Appeals to allow software forspecific classroom purposes should be made to the instructor, who will then review the request and forward it to the IT Department if appropriate. Requests originating with a student will be referred back to an instructor.
- Devices configured to extend campus network wirelessly or by assigning IP addresses,including wireless routers, are prohibited. Hubs, switches, and other devices intendedto extend the network for the purpose of allowing a student to connect multipledevices in their assigned residence may be connected, provided any wireless radio orDHCP service in the device is disabled. IT staff can assist students in properconfiguration of a device.
- While personal printers are permitted, students are strongly encouraged to use thepublic printer/copiers over bringing personal printers into the Residence Halls. Support for printing to these the copiers directly from student devices is available. See for more information on how to connect and use the copiers.
- The Saturday morning following the second Tuesday of every month from 5:00 11:00 a.m. is reserved for systems maintenance. Internet access and other ITservices may be unavailable during this period without prior notice.
Technical Support
The ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵ IT Office is located in the basement of Middlebrook Hall. Support may beobtained by visiting the office in person or by sending an email to ITstaff will assist students troubleshooting basic network access, including potentially checking wire runs to the assigned residence. Additional support for student-owned computers isprovided as time permits between other duties. See for additional information.
IT Services Offered
The following services are available through the ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵ Department of Information Technology:
- Wireless internet is available in most student-accessible buildings on campus.
- PantherNet allows students to register for classes, check their account and financialaid information, and provides secure access to other appropriate online resources.
- ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵ Course and Testing System, or Canvas provides students with access toinformation relevant to currently enrolled courses, including grades, assignments, andclass resources provided by the course instructor.
- A ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵ email account is issued to every student. Students are required tocheck this account regularly, as important information is frequently distributed tostudents via email.
- ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵ provides free access to Microsoft Office 365 for all students, staff, andfaculty, including the full Office suite and mobile apps.
- Printing to the public copiers around campus is provided free of charge up to 500pages per semester. Color pages debit at a rate of 8 to 1. Additional printing costs 5cents per page, and must be purchased a minimum of 100 pages at a time. See for information.