Library Services

  • A valid ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵ ID allows members of the campus community to access library materials and check out up to thirty items at a time.
  • York County residents may obtain a Community Library Card from a member of the ARC staff, which enables them to check out books from the library holdings. Community card holders may check out up to ten items at one time.
  • Regular library books, juvenile books, curriculum materials, and media items may be checked out for four weeks. All items may be renewed for four additional weeks of use.
  • ​Reference books and periodicals (magazines and journals) are not available for checkout. 

Students can access electronic resources from the Canvas Learning Management System, Levitt Library button.  Use the search box for Search and Discover: Books, Articles & More!  ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵ account credentials (username and password) will be required.

Students, faculty, and staff can fill out an  to request books and articles that are not held by the ARC. Be sure to use your York email address when completing the form.  Allow at least two weeks for delivery of physical materials. Electronic (PDF) copies of articles or book chapters will be emailed to the recipient.

Yes. The library has Chromebooks available for ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵ students to check out and use within the facility. The library also has a supply of power chargers available for checkout and use in the facility.  â€‹

A valid ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵ ID is required for checkout, and will be held at the circulation desk until equipment is returned. Equipment should be returned no later than 10 minutes prior to closing of the facility. Ask a library worker for checkout assistance.

Yes.  There are several networked printer/copiers found in academic buildings across campus and available for student use. A valid ²¤ÂÜÊÓƵ ID is required for making color prints, color copies, or document scans using any of these devices. Students receive a print allowance for each academic year.
The printer/copier in ARC is located on the main floor.  Ask any member of the staff if you need copier assistance. 

Yes. Visit one of these eBook collections to find eBooks: