Soul Quest Staff/Counselor Application

Soul Quest is a camp that is extremely blessed by the number of people who are willing to volunteer their time and effort.  The countless sponsors, counselors and staff members are major contributors to Soul Quest’s success every year. We couldn’t do it without you. 

Sponsor/Staff Members

If you are a youth minister, sponsor, or staff member please complete the following:
  1. Sponsor/Staff Application
  2. Provide a background check.
  3. ​Purchase meal wristband at registration. (Read more information below.)
The background checks can be provided by home congregation and needs to be valid within the last five years.​
If you have been invited to be a part of the teaching, counseling, nurse or canteen staff, you will be provided a place to stay on campus and your meals will be provided free of charge. Please complete the Sponsor/Staff Application by May 30th

NOTE: Sponsors who are not a part of the teaching or counseling staff are welcome to join us at Soul Quest. Please complete a Sponsor/Staff Application whether you are staying on campus or not. There is no registration fee for you and we have a few places for sponsors to stay on campus. However, space is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis and we cannot confirm the amount of extra space available to us until June 1st.  If we cannot provide space, it may be necessary for you to find hotel accommodations here in York.  If you will be eating with us at camp we ask that you purchase a meal wristband at the beginning of camp. Meal wristbands will be $125 each. 


If you are a counselor please complete the following:
  1. Counselor Staff Application
  2. Provide a background check - The background checks can be provided by home congregation and needs to be valid within the last five years.
  3. Personal Recommendation - We need a letter of reference from a church leader, minister or camp director.  This reference should speak to your ability to work with young people in a camp environment.  Please have this emailed to soulquest@york.edu.

If you have been invited to be a part of the teaching, counseling, nurse or canteen staff, you will be provided a place to stay on campus and your meals will be provided free of charge. Please complete the Sponsor/Staff Application by May 30th​Every counselor is guaranteed a camp t-shirt.